So work is going okay...I had to work the service desk last night then turn around and work 4 to 8 this morning. It was crazy that is for sure. I didn't burn the desk down so that is good...
M and I still haven't talked. He said it was something to do with my phone, but I can get text and send text to everyone else so I don't know what is going on... He knows my house number and I even tried to text him using my Mom's phone so the ball is in his court if he feels like talking to me.
I got my hair cut today! It is short! I went from having my hair to the middle of my back to up to my chin. It looks really great though and I like it. And that is what is most important. :) Plus short hair looks more like me. I just wished I could have sent it to locks of love. But they won't take it if it has been dyed. So that sucks.
Well I will write more later on gonna get some house work done for Mom since she isn't feeling good today.