Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just a really bad few days...

The last few days have been total hell...

First when I was walking my knee went one way and the rest of my leg went the other.  So I thought maybe I twisted my knee.  I went to my Doctor and she sent me to a Specialist.  The same doctor that did my surgery.  He thinks I may have messed up my graph.  And if I did means surgery...again...  I go for an MRI June 21.  Hopefully I just twisted it...I am trying to stay positive, but that is kinda hard to do.

I go to tell E what is going on and she don't answer me back.  Here lately I say anything to her and I don't get an answer.  She is saying I forgot Mother's day and her birthday.  I sent her messages both days.  So now she is mad at me.  I guess she wants nothing to do with me.  So I guess I will stop trying to tell her what is going on with me and my leg.  When I told her she didn't say one word about it...She went into basically saying she is pissed at me.  So like I said I will just keep how I feel to myself.

I now will have major restrictions at work.  No walking, standing, climbing ladders, crouching, or squatting.  This goes on till July 2.  So no garden shop for me.  Which really sucks because I like it out there.  Its nice and quiet and I don't have to put up with other peoples bull crap...  All I can do is be on register with a stool.  Fun...NOT...I guess I will get somewhat of a brake now.  But I like getting different jobs at work done.  I feel a sense of accomplishment when I complete a job.

Then I got a letter from my lawyer saying that Matt's lawyer wants me to pay Matt 8% interest...yeah that is sooo not going to happen.  I hardly have the money to pay him as it is.  And he wants even more money.  How the hell is that fair?  And apparently it don't matter if I need the money for food and gas for my car.  And I need the money even more for the doctor bills I will be getting.  I wish he would just keel over.  Then I wouldn't have to pay him the money.  I know that is mean of me to say, but the jackass has put me through a lot of shit and has screwed me on the way I see people anymore.

One good thing...My bankruptcy is finished!!! FINALLY!  Now if all this other stuff would work out I will be happier...But with my luck it will just end up being worse... Sigh...

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