Saturday, July 30, 2011


Well I had court yesterday for my divorce.  It went pretty good.  He filed for a continuance.  So now we have to go back in about 3 weeks to go in front of the judge I think. Matt (my soon to be ex husband) signed the title of the car.  So that when I get a job and money saved up I can trade it in.  He is also keeping me on his health insurance until the divorce is final, or till I get a job and can get my own insurance.  He also has to continue to pay for the bankruptcy.  I am just so glad we weren't able to have kids.  It is bad enough with the feelings we have towards each other now.  I gave him his stuff back that I have been trying to get to him for like 2 months.  We talked some and were civil to each other.  He did say he was sorry about how he handled things.  We just fell out of love.  There's nothing wrong with that.  And I really think we got married to early...But I hope he has good life and finds someone that is right for him.  Will I find someone?  Maybe.  I don't really know at this time.  I just want to do stuff for me for once.  I am starting my life over at 29...Wonder what to do now... 

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