Yesterday was a very hard day for me. I found out something about a family member that made me scared, angry, disappointed, upset, and pretty much very emotional. I am not going into what the problem is, but I was went to for help, and I didn't really even understand it. I feel like I have failed that person. But I am starting to realize that it wasn't my fault. At least now they are asking for help. So that is weighing very hard on my mind. I care about my family and I seem to always want to take care of the problems. I know I can't help all the time, but its hard. I also have to keep remembering that I can't change people. I can only change myself and my actions. It is a very hard lesson to learn that is for sure.
Then I got called into work early. I was told that I had offended a customer with something I said. I don't even remember saying what it is said that I had said. But I was asked to apologize for it, which I will do today before work. It always seems like things pile on. I mean like things will be awesome, then all of a sudden everything goes downhill. And it seems like it is never just one thing. It is a lot of things all at once. And it gets very hard to handle everything.
Some good news is I got 90% on a test that I had to take at work. So that is awesome. I think there are a few more test that we all have to take. Hopefully I will do just as good as those as I did on this one. The last one I did kinda yucky on. But at least I am learning.
I still love my job. There have been a lot of changes this past month and will be having more changes too. We got the new gas pumps. Next week we get an overhand or canopy what ever they are calling it. And we are getting a digital sigh. I am excited about the new sign. No more having to climb a ladder to change gas prices which will be very good.
I am supposed to get my knee brace Friday. I notice I need more support with my knee when I am working, otherwise my knee gives out and there is nothing I can do till I am older and can just get my knee replaced. Diffidently not looking forward to that.
My sister has a new boyfriend. He is very nice and kind of a goofball. Him and A are so much alike that its crazy. He is like the female version of her. I don't know yet if that is a good thing or if it is a bad thing.
Well I need to get somethings done around the house...Just gotta keep moving so I don't dwell on problems....
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