Sunday, January 22, 2012


Well I got my new computer!  Having trouble figuring out what my Mom's password to get online is...Dang thing...I have to work early today...5AM to 11AM...Just when I got to sleep my alarm went off on my phone to wake up...I am still having a lot of trouble being able to sleep.

Yesterday was hard to say goodbye to my uncle.  It was so pretty yesterday.  Cold but still pretty.  It was like he asked God to make that day sunny just for him.  I didn't get to go to the cemetery though.  The snow was still pretty bad...I will end up going out there when the snow is gone and I am able to have the day off.  I may have not got to see my uncle much, but i do miss him.  He was always calling me little A. :)  He never had a mean or negative word to say to anyone.  He really made me want my actions to start changing.  I wish I could be that positive about things in my life.

I am still trying to be open about how I feel.  Sometimes it can be so hard.  Theres times I have like a pit in my tummy and I feel like I will just start to cry at anytime...

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