Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Well I have the day off today.  I have to take Amber to some of her appointments.  Then I have to do some laundry.  I am working 11 30 to 3 45 tomorrow.  I hope things keep going well at work and I keep getting people signed up.  I am trying to adopt a new attitude at work that I can get things done and get them done well.

My Mom leaves for Florida.  I just hope that she is safe and had a lot of fun.  I know I had fun when I went with my Aunt.  I just wished that I was able to go with her.  I am hoping that I can go sometime soon again.

So far things at home have been going good.  There hasn't been any fighting or far.  I just hope that last the whole time Mom is gone.  Poor Hersey was crying a lot last night.  So he ended up sleeping with me and Panda.  It was hard not to move as much when I was sleeping.  He is so tiny!!  He keeps following me around the house.  I think both of the dogs are missing Amber.  Oscar slept with Amber and is still sleeping beside her.

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