Friday, May 18, 2012


This morning my Dad went off on my sister because she asked him to make sure she was up to take her pill.  He comes down and starting yelling that if she is going to ask him to wake her up then she needs to get up.  I wish he would just stop yelling all the time.  I have a lot of trouble being around when people yell it makes me really freak out.  I wish he would get that he can get people to do stuff without yelling and treating them like crap.  Mom just came in she was trying to mow the yard.  Well Dad goes off on her cause she isn't mowing the way HE wants her to do it.  Apparently the way she does it is wrong.  I just don't get why he goes off about the smallest and stupidest things.  It's like he is trying to get all of us to the point of just having a nervous break down.  Or he is trying to see how far he can push us.  I hate that he does this all the time.  That is why I spend so much time alone in my room.  At least when I am in there I don't have to hear him go off about things as much.  I can try and to forget him.

I don't have a lot of stuff that I need to do today.  I just need to fold and put away my clothes.  I like when I have my days off, but sometimes like today I just feel bored.  I don't know why.  I mean I could catch up on some of the shows that I missed.  Which I already have.  I could watch a few movies, but I don't really feel like watching anything.  I am just feeling lazy today.  Every once in awhile I get in these moods where I don't want to do anything.

I don't know how my sister can stay up all night long and then just sleep all day.  I used to do that before I got a job and started doing more stuff around the house.  Don't get me wrong I like to be lazy every once in awhile, but doing it all the time everyday would drive me insane.  There is so much going on sometimes during the day and I feel bad that she misses so much that is going on in the world.

I had my interview with my brothers girlfriends Mom.  She is really nice.  I maybe taking care of her daughter that is Autistic and also has seizures.  I hope she decided to bring her here and have me work with her.  I think I would do a good job, and maybe I can help her more.  I don't want to get my hopes up to high though cause when it ends up not happening I end up getting really upset and being hurt.  *sigh*

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